Einige osteopathische Studien zu Lungenerkrankungen

Einige osteopathische Studien zu Lungenerkrankungen

Comparison of thoracic manipulation with incentive spirometry in preventing postoperative atelectasis

Efficacy of osteopathic manipulation as an adjunctive treatment for hospitalized patients with pneumonia: a randomized controlled trial

Quantifiable effects of osteopathic manipulative techniques on patients with chronic asthma

Effects of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Pediatric Patients With Asthma: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Effects of Rib Raising on the Autonomic Nervous System: A Pilot Study Using Noninvasive Biomarkers

Impact of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Secretory Immunoglobulin A Levels in a Stressed Population

Adjunctive OMT May Improve Exercise Capacity for Patients With Severe COPD

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