ORI – Study of Interest

ORI – Study of Interest

With the beginning of 2021, the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland (OSD) and the Osteopathic Research Institute (ORI) will continue to publish the ORI – Study of Interest newsletter.

In that, we present an article of interest to the osteopathic profession each month. The osteopathic community is still invited to participate by submitting published and in press articles of peer-reviewed scientific journals to:


We appreciate studies from all research disciplines. However, bear in mind that we only present studies to the community that are of interest to the osteopathic field.

This year, we start with an innovative article by David Hohenschurz-Schmidt et al. (2020) that was recently published in Pain Reports. In this article, the authors outline important considerations on how to implement remote consultations in musculoskeletal care practice through phone or video. The paper is based on a webinar series that originated at the University College of Osteopathy (UCO) and was held in the UK, France, and Germany (the latter in cooperation with the OSD). Both the webinar and paper are freely accessible and provide promising insights on how to maintain manual health care practice in face of a global pandemic and related restrictions to hands-on treatment like quarantine.

Hohenschurz-Schmidt, D., Scott, W., Park, C., Christopoulos, G., Vogel, S., Draper-Rodi, J., 2020. Remote management of musculoskeletal pain: a pragmatic approach to the implementation of video and phone consultations in musculoskeletal practice. Pain Reports, 5(e878).
doi: 10.1097/PR9.0000000000000878.


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